Saturday, November 2, 2013

Blankets: Helping those in need

One of the really great things about being crafty is making items that will help someone else in a time of need. I want to share one of those projects with you.

My cousin Brittany works for the Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM.  Their mission is:
"To provide support and advocacy to Survivors of sexual assault and abuse within the greater Albuquerque area, and to serve as a community resource on issues regarding prevention and awareness of sexual violence."
Full size adult blankets if fun colors and a
smaller Batman one in case a child is in need.
One of the ways Brittany and the other staff help  these individuals is by providing what seem like small necessities in life to the rest of us but actually mean the world to the survivors. They keep on hand soaps, shampoos, and other toiletries so the survivors can shower following their exam. Think about all those travel size ones you pick up at hotels and never use, they can use them!  What we've been working on though, aside from looking through travel bags for those shampoo bottles, is making no-sew fleece blankets.  The blankets serve both as a security item when everything else feels taken away, and as something positive to take home. Many of the survivors are low-income or even homeless, so a single warm blanket may be all they have to help them feel safe and at home once their interview/exam are over.

They are double layered to provide as
much warmth and comfort as possible.
We have made a few so far and have more fleece to make more, but I'm asking our readers for help. If you are crafty will you take the challenge to make a few blankets? If crafts aren't your thing will you take the challenge to supply us with the fleece to make them?  Shampoo, soap, blankets...they seem like simple things but when your world is turned upside down and you're left with nothing, they are everything you have left to cling to.

(Making the blankets is easy, I followed this blogger's post.)

If you are interested in making blankets yourself, donating unused toiletries, or sending me fleece feel free to email and I'll send you the appropriate info.  Let's help make the world a better place one blanket at a time.
